Thursday, October 7, 2021

 Survival of the Caregiver

By Janice Hucknall Snyder

Having first-hand knowledge of being a caregiver this book hits it right on the head. I found this book very helpful in learning to care for my loved one and myself. Caring for oneself is very difficult when every hour is taken caring for someone else but I learned that caring for myself is essential in being a better caregiver. the information coming from someone who has been a caregiver was like having someone walking by my side helping me through some of the tough stuff.

The Emotional Journey of the Alheimer's Family 

By Robert B. Santulli, MD and Kesstan Blandin, PhD

The Emotional Journey of the Alzheimer's Family by Santulli & Blandin is the most informative book I have read regarding Alzheimer's and dementia. After dealing first-hand with a loved one with dementia I found the information extremely helpful. This book not only describes the disease but goes into great length to give examples of situations in which a person might be going through. It also gives very helpful tips on how to help those with the disease and also the caregiver. I found that reading this book made me feel as if someone finally understood what  I was going through. As if I had someone who could walk me through the tough times. I only wish I would have had this book while I was caring for my loved one with dementia. I believe it would have made life a whole lot easier on us both. I recommend this book not only for those who are caring for someone with the disease but also for doctors and therapists who help care for the caregivers and their loved ones. The more we understand what happens during this scary time the smoother and more joyful the process can become. 

You Are Not Forgotten    By Bryan Bender

 I was privileged to be able to have not only the written book but also the audio version as well. The man who reads the story did an excellent job. He read with feeling and made the story come alive. The story itself had an enormous amount of detail in some parts of the book which made it kind of dry at times but all in all the story was a good one. I found it fascinating that it is a true story and that I could actually look up the characters on google and read more in depth about them. It brought to my attention the amount of work that was done in order to find the lost servicemen's remains. Some of the characters in the story are still alive today and I really enjoyed reading about their adventures.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Throne of Grace By Cecily K. Wolfe

This a story about a lovely young girl from Rhode Island who works for a rich family and finds forbidden love. She faces the challenge of knowing her place in society or fighting for what her heart wants. Does she dare to think she is worthy of the wealthy gentleman who has stolen her heart? This was an audio book. I would give this an over-all score of 3 stars only due to the person chosen to read the story.. Although her voice was a pleasant one it was without much feeling. It was very hard to tell between the different characters when she read and the excitement and emotion was very minimal. The story was a good story and I think If I could have read it myself it would have come across much stronger. I felt the book dealt more with the build up of the relationship between the main characters than it did with the actual relationship itself. It just wasn’t the best experience to me. Being that I am a read-a-holic having to listen to a book read from someone in a mundane voice was hard to deal with. I believe I will buy the book and reread it to give it another chance. I believe it deserves that. 


Wednesday, March 10, 2021


The New World By Andrew Motion

This was an Early Reviewer giveaway that unfortunately due to family circumstances I was unable to read until now. I truly regret not doing so sooner since this is a truly amazing story that was worth the read. I found this story by Andrew Motion easy to read and indeed a page turner which I really had a hard time putting it down. I found myself reading far into the wee hours of the night until I was so exhausted I couldn’t keep my eyes open. To follow the adventure of Jim and Natty through a horrific tragedy, a capture by frightening natives, an escape and finally the resolve of finally being able to follow along with them as they ran for their lives in order to make it back to where they began was exhilarating. This story is one I would defiantly recommend to anyone who loves adventure and wants a story that reads as if it were a true story.  

 Eden’s Shadow By Emmett Snow

I first want to say that there was quite a bit of bad language in the story which made it harder for me to read. I felt it was a little much. It just seemed out of context to the setting. With that being said, I felt it was a very good story plot overall. I am not io the whole "alien" theme but after starting to read it hit me. I wondered, "what if" that were to really happen?  What would I do if I were them? How truly unprepared the people of this world today would be. I know for myself it would be a real shock to be trust into that kind of circumstance. I felt myself fully connect with the characters and their struggles and frustrations. I found myself rooting for their existence and feeling perplexed at how to fix it when given little or no easy solutions. I could not even try to imagine what it would feel like to lose everything and everyone without any warning. To have to start over with people you didn’t know in a place you have no idea where it is or even why you were chosen to be there. I thought the story ended too abruptly and could have gone on for many more chapters. I believe this could and perhaps should have a sequel written for it. I would be one who would want to read it. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Whither Thou Goest, I will Go By Naomi Dathan


Whither Thou Goest, I will Go        By Naomi Dathan

I won this book in a giveaway but never received it so I finally just purchased it myself and I am glad that I did. This book was one of the best and hardest reads that I have had. It was the best because the story of Jemima Perkins and the trials she lived through while being able to hold on to her faith was astounding and it was a hard read due to the circumstances she went through were too close to struggles I have had in my own life. I found myself wanting to run the other direction yet continuing to turn page after page to see what she would do. The ending was far from what I expected and one that I am not used to seeing but it was based on a true story of the Perkins family during the blizzard on the Great Plains between 1887-1888. I don't give a book 5 stars very often but this one certainly earned it. 

Mothering from Scratch by Melinda Means & kathy Helgemo

Mothering From Scratch By Melinda Means & Kathy Helgemo

This is a book that I wish I could have had when I was raising my own children. It would have saved me a lot of regrets and heartaches. Melinda and Kathy show you how to take the gifts that God has given you and with His help be able to mold yourself into the kind of woman and mother that He intended for the children that He gave you. We spend so much time as mothers trying to be "as good a mother as everyone else" that we miss the true joys that are right there in front of us. Even though my children are grown and gone the book taught me how to let go, to not dwell on what I can't change but to be thankful that I did the best that I could. This is a book that I would recommend for a mother-to-be for a shower gift, a mother who has children already or one whose children has left the nest and whose heart is wishing she could have done better. It is never too late to stop looking at  all our failures and to start looking up to the One who is the perfect parent...God.