Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Whither Thou Goest, I will Go By Naomi Dathan


Whither Thou Goest, I will Go        By Naomi Dathan

I won this book in a giveaway but never received it so I finally just purchased it myself and I am glad that I did. This book was one of the best and hardest reads that I have had. It was the best because the story of Jemima Perkins and the trials she lived through while being able to hold on to her faith was astounding and it was a hard read due to the circumstances she went through were too close to struggles I have had in my own life. I found myself wanting to run the other direction yet continuing to turn page after page to see what she would do. The ending was far from what I expected and one that I am not used to seeing but it was based on a true story of the Perkins family during the blizzard on the Great Plains between 1887-1888. I don't give a book 5 stars very often but this one certainly earned it. 

Mothering from Scratch by Melinda Means & kathy Helgemo

Mothering From Scratch By Melinda Means & Kathy Helgemo

This is a book that I wish I could have had when I was raising my own children. It would have saved me a lot of regrets and heartaches. Melinda and Kathy show you how to take the gifts that God has given you and with His help be able to mold yourself into the kind of woman and mother that He intended for the children that He gave you. We spend so much time as mothers trying to be "as good a mother as everyone else" that we miss the true joys that are right there in front of us. Even though my children are grown and gone the book taught me how to let go, to not dwell on what I can't change but to be thankful that I did the best that I could. This is a book that I would recommend for a mother-to-be for a shower gift, a mother who has children already or one whose children has left the nest and whose heart is wishing she could have done better. It is never too late to stop looking at  all our failures and to start looking up to the One who is the perfect parent...God.