Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Harvest of Grace By Cindy Woodsmall

The Harvest of Grace: Book 3 in the…This adventure is about several young Amish people who eventually become entwined in each others lives.
There is Sylvia, who is the eldest daughter of a dairy farmer, whose love for dairy farming outweighs the desire to be married. When her beau asks her, she wants to postpone their big day wanting more time to be able to discover who she is. Taking her answer as  a "no", her beau secretly plans to marry Sylvia's sister. Heart broken and unable to leave the farm she tries to endure her feelings of rejection and betrayal. When one day she is caught off guard with her now brother in law, he kisses her and she returns the kiss. Feeling shame and guilt Sylvia leaves and begins working for a couple on the Blank's dairy farm where she meets their son, Aaron which leads her down a whole new road to adventure.
There is Cara, who has a young daughter named Lori whose father died when she was little. Cara left New York because of the fear of someone stalking her. and traveled to Dry Lake because of some memories from her childhood. After seeking refuge in Ephriam's barn she is taken in and falls in love with him. When Cara finally gets comfortable in her surroundings she is given a challenge she feels is far beyond her power alone to conquer.
Then there is Lena. She is recovering from an accident and has a bluish purple birth mark on her face. She falls in love with Grey who was married to the Blank's daughter. Grey is now a widower and is made to wait the required time of mourning until he can court Lena. Grey also has a secret that he carries with him that he feels could destroy their relationship if Lena only knew.
Will these young couples be able to work through the challenges that God has allowed in their lives or will they give up and play it safe? Find out how each of these couples face their challenges both separately and together.

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