This is a story about a young woman named Miranda who is way ahead of her time. Although on the outside she is an obedient daughter learning the lessons her mother teaches her on how a young lady must act to be able to fit into society on the inside she yearns to break free. Having no one in which to confide her deepest woes, she pretends to write to a young man whom she has never really met ,The Duke of Marshington,an aquaintence of her brother. She never really mails the letters but conceals them in a trunk for safe keeping. When her brother's new valet mistakenly mails one of her letters it turns her whole world upside down. As Miranda becomes more intrigued by this new valet she also becomes curious when her mysterious man, the Duke of Marshington, starts writing back to her. Miranda then finds she is attracted to both men. One man she may never meet and the other man who is way below her station. Adventure begins when a dark plot to harm her family is discovered and "both" men become a part of the plot. In this story Miranda not only gains the excitement she longs for but also falls in love with the man of her dreams.